— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Diagnosed: disconnection of the eye. Direct injection in the eye did not help. The only alternative is laser surgery. But the difficulty is that one of the operated "points" on the eye is right in the middle and slightly on the side of the laser and... blindness. To my question:
What if I don’t operate?
The doctor answered directly:
- In about a year, the eye will stop seeing, and the chances after the operation are 50/50.
When will I feel the effect?
Immediately after the operation. Either everything is fine, or the eye will stop seeing.
It’s hard to explain what happened in the shower. But I decided, of course, there was no other option. A day was appointed.
The day before this I went to church, prayed, at 2 o’clock just sat on the bench, thought about different things... It helped a lot, the peace came.
I went to the clinic at the appointed time, and the doctor says that for today, only studies will be conducted under a microscope. So they fixed my head in front of the machine and for 15 minutes somewhere there looked at something...
Get up, young man, go on.
When to operate?
We have already done it...
I was shocked, how did they do that? And suddenly I realize that I look at the doctor with two eyes, I see her with two eyes!
The doctor just smiles.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna