— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was more than fifteen years ago.

A woman came in the street and asked if I wanted to go through a social survey. In general, I passed it in two minutes, standard questions - age, education, approximate income and other labia.

Then I was told that I was suitable for the next stage and whether I had an hour and a half time now. I had free time, there was nothing to do, so I agreed to continue. A woman led me to the coffee shop, a minute walk, and hand in hand to a cute girl. There was almost no one in the cafe — me, the girl and the boring bartender behind the bar. Then I was informed that one of the breweries was going to expand into the market and they are tapping the ground to conquer the market. And now they are conducting a social survey to adjust actions.

In general, I was served with several varieties of beer, the bartender on the "team" of the girl brought another glass of beer. and my task was to taste the foam drink and describe its organoleptic properties - pros and cons. Therefore, it was necessary to express your wishes that could be improved.

Further to evaluate provided their advertising posters, audio advertising, bottle labels - another advantages and disadvantages, and what can be improved.

It all took a little more than an hour. But, I was drunk with beer, provided with a brilliant and humorous girl for a conversation, gave presents (a pen, an opening, a barrel), gave "on the road" three bottles of cold beer in a branded package and paid 1000 rubles.

It is a pity that this happened once, not every week afterwards.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna