— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I had a funny story today ?

I go after work (10 hours hanging on the "need", washing glass. Everything hurts, the legs cracks, the eyes close) in the new composition, where the pair wagons. I sit at the end of the car next to the door, sleep, listen to the player. Suddenly I get a blow to the knee with a hard object, quite painful((( I open my eyes, raise my head. In front of me a aunt, 40 years old (in the appearance of a clear trade, a moderate set, with a sharp, just a ham rod) with a bag of a cart, which she struck me. And what he tells me. I take off the headphones, and then she says to me: "Thank you I'll sit down, I'm a disabled". People are watching with interest. I’m angry to answer:" What doesn’t seem, disabled people are sitting at home". She, after a 3-second delay:" I am a vision disabled". I see people start smiling. I round my eyes, and with a loud whisper I ask:" And what? Complications in the feet? Or sitting sitting?" (and a aunt without glasses, and obviously without lenses) People start to rust, and by growing and not holding back. The aunt realizes that the rage is over her, reddened, looked at me with a devastating look, turned and went to the beginning of a double wagon, on the way hitting passengers on their feet with her carriage. The people roared for three minutes, everyone looked at me with approving eyes. At the next stop I gave up my place to Mommy with the child))))))) (c) Victor

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna