— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Fuck... I think my cat fucked me... but, fuck, I don’t admit...

In short, I came home and cooked myself two sausages. I put it on the plate and ate it. This cattle is canyoning. Okay, he has a right. I leave the sauces, I go for food for him. I open the bag, I put it on... the stink smells, turns his ass and, fucking, buries! The fucking guy put him in the bag! I’m in Ahuya, I think you’re a fucking tail, so you don’t want to eat and I try his food. I think normal. Such a fun cake is no worse than sausages. In his opinion, it is shit. He sits, sickness nods, watching how I eat his food... the cattle is sorry, I throw him half a sausage. It burns off.
Yopt... so they ate it—it’s my sauces, I’m his’s not that...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna