— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Work with your head, not a computer.

At the dawn of the development of nuclear technologies before the USSR and the United States arose a problem.
Determine the dependence of the force of the nuclear explosion on the decomposition. Americans
came to its decision with the American scale: purchased the latest, and
time, equipment, for the crazy money borrowed specifically for this
A supercomputer case.
The test field was covered by kilometers of transmission from the sensors to
The Registered. After the test, the data from them were scored in perfocards and miracles.
techniques, gladly flashing with lamps, kilograms glotalo these same
maps, heating out the thinking process of movement. And he is,
The long-awaited result is the pillars of numbers in your hands.

The Americans were very proud of their production, if pride was
Lighter than the air, the pieces of American physicists would circulate in
The Stratosphere. The time has passed, the secret data has ceased to be so.
There was pride in the result and the Americans published their data.

Following them, our scientists published the data of their tests. by V
The prediction that the Soviets will appear in a deep backward comparison
With them, the Americans began to check the data. It turns out that the Soviets already
A more accurate sign! Uncle Condratius broadly revealed to Americans
Its strong boundaries.

Terrible thoughts waved in their heads - if the Soviet data were so accurate,
It was not a supercomputer, but a super-popper.
The computer, and the technology in general, does not read American at all. Well,
Once this happened, the Americans in all pairs equipped a delegation on the
experience in the USSR. Arriving at the Soviet colleagues, they took the bull for the roga - and
Can you show the glorious apparatus that you were expecting?
of data.
Yes, he is in front of you.
Soviet colleague pointed to the aggregate, the closest relatives of Iron
Felix (the mechanical arithmometer)
“A-a-a, secrecy,” the Americans thought, “is pretending. We know
to you!”
Per you will give us the equipment with which you worked.
by Poole? With hopes, they stumbled.
The assistant left, returned with the brick, which was placed before the scientists.
This simple object plunged Americans into hypnotic trance. Vote if
If there were bricks made of printed plates and semi-proofs, then
If it were all clear, this is an ordinary silicate brick, just what
The Pronumerated. The Americans became perfectly obvious, the Russians laugh.
They are not overwhelmed, but are overwhelmed.
From the composition of proustration, they began to draw a story of social
and testing. It turns out, the bricks were rated and placed on the radius of the
the center. After the explosion, the roulette soldats measured the distribution, which
Every particular brick flew away, and then a group of collaborators
The simplest physical formulas determined the high pressure.
Congratulations to Soviet science!!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna