— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In one NII of a closed town made some cleverly turned aggregate.
Complex and large. Well, scientists needed a few kilograms of niobium. This is
Metal is like that. The good. It was very expensive at that time.
accordingly. Well, Soviet science ahead of the entire planet, so not
The wisdom is wicked, our scientists have written for themselves this very niobi. What
to smaller? Let’s get more.
Making, therefore, our scientists aggregate, and suppliers are looking for where
Take the niobium. Closed to scratch. But being lazy. and what? Salary for a leaseholder
The miner is like that. I am silent about suppliers. In general, not
settled on time.

Scientists are angry. Niobium is needed. But what to do? The aggregate must also be handed over.
They scratched their wise heads, and swallowed the substitute.
The nicely detail. A little worse, but it works. In other words, aggregate
The project was closed, the niobium was forgotten. But the supply machinery is already dismantled! and
Then comes the package. With niobium, ah.

Scientists scratched their heads again. Put a bunch of metal on the side.
Something will be useful for.

Do you remember those times? As a scientist, and not only, he loved
to rest? A tent, fire, covering under the guitar. Here is a look at one
Such a fighter fell on the metal untouched. He cried a call.
People got their melting plants, laser cuts and so on.
A modern (for the time being) battle. And they wrapped up.
The cat. From Niobium. Such a good cat.

How long did we go on a journey with this miracle of engineering thought, but
A delegation from Japan arrived. The Japanese walk and watch.
The heads swallow. Something in the notebooks is written, but the lips curl. And our people
I decided to take them out of town. for a picnic. Locked the ear on the fire. and here
The Japanese are sitting down. Here is one st. Learn to. The employee stands up and says:
“But now, my dear Japanese friends, look at the magic!” is enough
The cottage in which it was cooked. He is so dirty, so buried.
He clicks on him with his finger. The hurry. All the dirt has gone off, and
The cottage was the cleanest before the amazed Japanese. “Here are my friends,
The Japanese say. Learn to. A cowboy from Niobium! Such our
The Soviet industry produces.”

The end of this story will be short: in six months the director of the NII comes with
Order of Japan. and ah. 500 cups of niobium.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna