— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the story of the left-right door of the closet...
At the end of the 1980s, all progressive humanity with higher education, and
frequently and with scientific degrees, built garden houses for people without
education but with money. We have shortened.
Here we sit and eat lunch. 2 cups on 2 cups. one
The man said to the other, Take the right cup of tea, it is hot. Chen (now he is
Drinking the left tea.
You are the Left!
But if you look at the tea, it’s right!
Ha-ha-ha, we laughed, we worked, we went home by car. on the road
some tip, at the side of the car, stands a mint face to face
The flow of cars, screams in the matyuhalnik "Take everything to the right" and the rod gives
At the extreme left side. The cars are nervous, but from two
mutually exclusive postulates choose common sense and move around the
The left side. have passed. She Drives:
I don’t understand anything, fucking.
If you look at the tea...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna