— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was riding with my friend on the roller coaster. After two hours, they decided to go for a swim, the well near the irrigation canal was. They were bathed in cowards, then the wet cowards were removed, the trousers were worn on the naked body, and forward.

We go and hold wet pieces in our hands. Going past the store. Let’s go and buy minerals. Go to. In order not to confuse the people, they put raw cowards in their pockets, for two minutes - to go in and out.

We took the mineral, we approached the box. And the cashier has free thin cellophane bags at hand. The comrade immediately realized that in such a bag you can put cowards, and in the pocket to carry peacefully. The further dialogue:

Please give me this bag.
The seller looks surprised at the bottle of the mineral.
Why is he to you?
What is the difference? Give it, they are free.
You do not need him!
I need!
Why are you going to sleep there?
Blonde and wet cowards. And with a taste, I swept onto the shelf a raw cake.

You could see her eyes...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna