— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In short, when a patient enters the intestinal surgery department with obstruction - the main task is to clear him well and resolve obstruction - this can save him from emergency surgery.
put a syphonic enema - it is to pump at once for 2 liters of water, long and turbulent.
and in the clamping hanged in the clisters - well in the form of a rubber heater with a long end pipe.. one was for everyone, and the second was new, well, for every case.
And in the new, the cockroaches grew up and grew up to incredible williness... but no one knew about it... and one night a decent man, in a costume, in a tie, all clean and intelligent with difficulty. His sister regretted him and took a new cliché.
Now imagine the situation:
2 liters of water from this enema are pumped into the man... then he lies for 10 minutes, then stands up and goes to the toilet.
He climbs up and sees a full swing of sparkling cockroaches.
SS scream was good.. on all 7 floors of the body
An )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
SS (this is how you get to the doctors.)
We are all ss. :)
Did he kill you afterwards?
He went to the cardio department.
A could be in Morocco.
The SS clean office. Everything is perfect. And where they are there.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna