— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Goster (21:05:25 26/08/2008)
I have about 15 children between the ages of 3 and 5 flying wolves to the moon under my window.
KaFuzLuM (21:05:37 26/08/2008)
It must be sung.
Goster (21:05:40 26/08/2008)
I am scared to dance.

I remember it was terrible when a couple of colleagues after work stopped for a beer to drink at the bus stop, and there came 2 milky grandmothers with a boy aged 5-6, took 2 bottles of beer and sat on a bench at the stop. After a minute, we hear the afterlife voice: "Worship me! "We look at this companion - the boy climbs on the bench, stands up in all his height and repeats again louderly and raising his hands up: "Worship my!!!". They decided that it was the grandmothers of the sectarian of the young antichrist who went for a walk... laughed through horror...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna