— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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How to become yours in any company is a gift.

History of Israel. It is told by a person worthy of trust.
In Israeli intelligence - Mossad, one of the examinations for applicants is a task, which requires extraordinary cleverness, self-control and greed.
Someone A. from the leadership was given the task - to "inside" and become his own in the board in the "Russian company" (i.e. the company of outsiders from Russia).
Having gotten such a “flute,” A. thought. He had no Russian roots, he did not know Russian. After serving in the army he remembered that the Russian guys are good, but to become his among them? No, he won’t drink so much.
The entire operation was reduced by the management. But A. did not go to the exploration in vain. Within a few days, the operation was planned and implemented.
For several days he visited one of the Tel Aviv pubs in the evening, where Russians loved to gather. Watched the public.
One day, A. came, as usual, noticed a company of three Russian boys who drank peacefully and did not touch anyone. After sitting down and drinking a few "shoots" A. got stuck with one of the Russians. Word for word,
X@em on the table, after some mutual messages A. was asked to drop, because the puzzles are not behind the mountains. But A. was not afraid and offered the guys to go out and see who of them was a man. The show has already been seen by a man 8, because such a circus is not every day.
It must be said that for an intelligence (and not an operative) physical power is not a necessity. Of course, A. was able to do the first round and stood on his feet, after which the fight began to flow smoothly into a frank urethra.
At this moment, two police cars were quietly rattled and the heated dragons were bound.
The monkey found out two things - that A. was practically sober, and
"Russian", according to Israeli standards - drunk (they don't know that our man a liter for three is the norm). After that, the investigators came to the Russians and announced that from the point of view of the police, everything was clear, like a good day: three drunk Russians killed a poor aboriginal.
In vain the guys said that "he was the first to start" and showed blueprints and scratches. The officers only smiled in response.
She began to paint unpleasantly. The guys were generally adequate, all the family, good work. A appears on stage.
As well as everything in white.
Yes, he honestly confessed, drank a liqueur, went on. He was not polite.
I invited the guys to walk around the corner. No, there was no beating, clarification of the relationship and only. What kind of battle, boss?? to
The feeling, more similar to orgasm, encompassed guys who had already seen themselves behind bars, pale wives and crying children.
The investigator stumbled, slowly scratched the tail and asked the "Russian" if they would file a complaint?
The complaint? What a complaint? For what?and.
Everyone was released by morning.
When they were released, the former enemies shrugged each other’s hands.
A. was announced that he was a man, a clumsy boy, and more would be like that.
He was also invited to a banquet, a birthday party and a continuation of the banquet anywhere and at any time. And the other and the other.
A week later, A. appeared in the same bar. I found my new friends. There he was taken, aka hero. He was not alone, but with a girl in his hand. Her name was Olya.
The task of the party was fulfilled.

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