— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It does not contain humor.
I'm sorry to burn the abyss, but I can't be silent. Today all day on all TV channels praise the desanters. They are good guys, and if they weren’t, we’t have an army. It's all cool, but I don't understand one thing: Why are mothers afraid to let their children walk on the day of the air? Why is there almost no one in the center of the city besides these "blue berets"? Yes, because by the time of the day, these same desanters, riding their BMWs at the meeting, broke one car into the dust, scratched a few more, created a bunch of emergency situations and shot down a mommy with a child crossing the road!
Of course, it is impossible to judge everyone by individual wickednesses, but there are too many such wickednesses, so that honour and courage are hardly visible.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna