— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XXX is
The result will be in the course of Google, which will unite all social media technologies with Internet technologies.
And then it’s broken and it’s all going to come up 😉))
XXX is
by Google? O_0
XXX is
Google is not the pentagon’s serpent, which every lazy Russian student breaks, here safety is more serious)
And one day will be born in the server son of Odin and the cleaner! A boy with a beard and a sweater.
He will be destined to hack Google and other tastes!
XXX is
In the Chelyabinsk server.
XXX is
Because only the chosen boy will be destined to learn to break pgp keys with a length of 1024 bits with the force of thought.
And the mum will be so harsh that her breasts will give her beer.
and his father will break the mosque to Onotole himself.
XXX is
and hacks Chuck Norris...and makes him config...
XXX is
We are waiting for you, O chosen one!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna