— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The story is real and I am a part of it. I am a lawyer, if I can say so. The investigator called my defendant to get acquainted with the case materials. The client is a minor from a distant village, the case took place in the city. A client came to the city and called. He said he was in the central market. I said I would go and go to the investigator. has arrived. There is no customer in the agreed place. I call. And I, he says, was picked up by the police when I drank beer. Okay, tell the uncles of the police that now your lawyer will come and understand the situation. He doesn’t turn off his cell phone and tells someone about it. I hear a roar in the phone. Three minutes later, I appeared in the police pitch and repented the police officers of my certificate. You would see their faces. The client is dressed in a sporting suit and looks like that. Oh well okay. began to understand. The police said that there will not be a protocol here and must go to the department. Well we went. Arrived at the department. The boy was taken to a minor affairs unit. I went there too.
The boss came. He asked me who I was. showed a certificate.
The boss stunned and asked my client where he found the lawyer.
The boy’s response shocked everyone in the office. “There are times when everyone should have a lawyer.” Rod was crying.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna