— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I read from the forum:
Cute and benevolent aunt, sold peaches and cheap.Stretching 500p / other was not / and I ask 1kg.the aunt applies peaches, continues to talk,the edge of the eyes I notice,how my five hundred falls into a cardboard bowl standing,like on the side.down.Stretching the delivery of 30p and peaches.On my question why so little,the terada followed,I said I gave her a bowl,first to turn the pockets, loudly shouting that she has no five hundred at all.Now here she over-played, pulling out 500 of the hidden carpool,he said,what was then mine and went with the hollow kilos of peaches and 30p in the mouth.She opened her mouth, I didn't hear.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna