— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Again about Grandpa. Again, I go to my friend Gene for hunting. “Well what”

I said, “Are we going to see Grandpa?” “Yes,” says Ginkgo, “Yes, my grandfather

It lives me. I fought with the camper!” And telling a story. Grandmother at

My grandfather is dead! Her grandfather buried her. This is the 1980s,

The fight against alcohol! Next 9 days, then 40 days according to Christian custom

Remember, there is no money in the village and grandfather self-guided. Because in

The blood of our fellow citizens has an insatiable thirst to “bite,” someone told us.

A police officer said that his grandfather had struck himself. But good people

He was found in the village and his grandfather also that he would have a search. Grandfather

was prepared. A local police officer arrives with an understood neighbor who,

Probably even “touched”. And my grandfather in the middle of the stall has a milk flag.

for 40 liters. The police officer: “Well, grandfather, has Braga gone?” Father: “Yes

“No water!” The police officer: “Why are you holding her in the middle of the cage? Braga

This is!” He said, “No, but water.” The policeman does not believe. “Father,” he says

“Give me a cup.” My grandfather gives. The policeman drinks. “Water” – surprisingly – “And you

“Why are you holding the flag in the middle?” The grandfather said, “And how.

Grandma is dead. The old women washed her and told her not to pour water for 40 days.“”

A police officer and his neighbor were long in the garden, and the grandfather had to

Evacuation to the district.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna