— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The case was in one of the hospitals, in the department of severe trauma. Well, all the sick on the stretches, in the plaster, hardly go to the ship - boredom in one word, the only variety in their lives was brought by the lonely cockroach, whom everyone gently called Petrovich. Everyone knew his favorite paths on the window, left on them the most delicious crumbs.

And here one morning brought to the chamber a spray of a drunk man with a fracture of both legs, well he is already in a plaster, but still in alcohol disconnection, lying on the couch near the door and filling the air with a bark.

And in the morning, during the walk, the most interesting thing begins - the chief physician enters, examines the sick and suddenly notices a cockroach wandering along the usual route on the window in search of delicacies. The doctor, seeing such a violation of the sanitary rules, removes the towel and runs to the cockroach... And the chamber at this time in a single moment shouts:

“PETROVIC B-E-G-Iiiiiiiiiii!!!” And he ran, a man with a fracture of both legs, in a wild hammer, who by a strange conjunction of circumstances was also called
and Petrovich.

He was found half an hour later on the floor in the women's office.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna