— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XX: Brother Andrewhi cousin Lechu, remember?
WOW : Well?
XX: When he finished the university, his parents fled the army.
XX: Well, then the year 3 has passed and he had to change the rights for a short time.
XX: He comes to the medical commission to the surgeon goes, he looks at the card for so long, then asks: And why did not serve in the army?
XXX: Leha him, well, type there I have like a flat foot (he himself does not know exactly)
XX: And the doctor to him, No friend, in the army you did not serve, because on paper you do not have both legs.
Pizzac... and that certificate has been given
XXX: Well yes, Leha paid a little more and now "without legs" rides the car...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna