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The Rabbit.

The taxi driver was speechless.

To bring home? Don’t be surprised, I’ve already driven you once, I remember.

You are selling toys, right? A good deal! There are lots of toys now.

They are beautiful and they walk and talk.

Let me tell you about a toy.

Alisha, my cousin, was five years old. And he with

The courtyard brought the boys to him for his birthday. The times were simple.

One of them immediately went to visit, and one ran home for a gift.

Choose from your toys.

I brought a rabbit.

The brother, as he saw him - the rabbit of this - hugged, pressed to himself, and all night.

I did not break up with him. Other gifts looked, and all, and the rabbit is not.

released from his hand.

And then this rabbit was his favorite toy.

His mother once said to him:

- You have machines and soldiers, why did you get stuck in this rabbit?

My brother agreed with her.

He gathered machines and other toys in a clutch, took them out and distributed them.

The guys. One of the rabbits left.

When he grew up, he didn’t play with him anymore. Other interests

They appeared. And the rabbit was owned by his younger sister, Irinka.

We grew up and the rabbit got old.

One day my aunt was in a warehouse. I took a bag of clay.

And Irina, returning home from the school, walked past the washing machine and saw,

The rabbit is looking at her.

She brought it home, washed it, dried it, and took it to her room.

Mother’s scandal struck: “Could it have been so with him!”

A few more years passed.

I come to visit them with my two-year-old daughter.

Well I understand, right?

She’s five, and she’s not separating from him.

Here, say, a doll will be given to her, a day or two will play, and then in the doll.

The rabbit is beautiful.

I thought - to scatter it on the seams, to remove the stitches and a new one.

did not stand.

It will no longer be him.

In fact, we are gradually covering it with a new plush.

Xenia explained that he would grow a new hair. Toughened already

and covered.

And then - little that the plush wiped out, the fabric began to wipe out.

After all, his brother was gifted twenty years ago, and he was no longer a new one.

And, you know what’s interesting – here she comes with him to the garden, or on the street.

Going out to the boys, they all throw their toys, and pull this rabbit.

Hold or at least touch.

An unanimated object means that he has no soul. But there is something,

In it, what do you think?

I recorded the phone number of that taxi driver, and, a few days later,

I came to see that rabbit.

Xusha reluctantly stretched him to me and jealously watched how I watched him.

I looked at.

Ordinary toy of Soviet times.

On his legs were stretched dolls, and on his ears tied.

A beautiful pink cloth.

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