— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A smile from VKontakte:

Burning vacation for wife
In connection with the expansion of material capabilities and personal and physiological needs of a man, a vacancy for the position of a wife is opened.
► Requirements: ◄
• Lack of experience in this job;
• A valid medical book, a certificate from a doctor confirming the absence of regular headaches with approaching sleep;
• Creative approach to the fulfillment of marital duty;
• The absence of allergies to football and boxing and the presence of allergies to series;
Ownership of skills of use of office equipment (washing machine, washing machine, steam, vacuum cleaner). OR by the operator by phone is highly undesirable;
• Housing at least 5,000 km from the workplace.
► Bonuses: ◄
• Possibility of permanent residence at the workplace;
• official registration in the work book;
• paid leave;
• Social package: food at the expense of the company, service car, shopping, beauty salons.
The right to control and dispose of the company’s budget.
Please send a resume with the indication of the vacancy by personal message.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna