— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 73 - ]
Yesterday I saw how the real haishnik was operated.
It stops. Type of document verification. I pull a book with docks.
It opens. There on the first page of the rights of the wife (the surname - Kulikova).
The Wife?
and UGU.
The list goes on. There are my rights.
Are the names different?
What different ones? The same! The pigeon is a swamp pigeon and the pigeon is a city pigeon.
by FSE. The Pizzeria. Mint is dependent. It is not worth six. It appears that the recursion has shaken. Standing for 15-20 seconds, apparently overloaded. He opened up, closed the documents, without looking at the passport. It gives.
Ride from here!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna