— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Why did you not come to the exam? The sky again!
and no. Pippi came to me yesterday. I drank a couple of drinks and fell asleep, I forbade the people to mourn, saying that if you wake up, I will drive them out. I wake up in the morning, the stomach hurts, it hurts to touch the face, I ask what it is. It turned out that these idiots, decided to cook the petals at 3 in the morning, and carrying them from the kitchen to the room managed to turn them over to me, and that's not all. I woke up by myself and was just going to scream, as I was knocked with a taburet on the cushion, so that they would not be melted out on the street... Now I am in the hospital... with shock.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna