— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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And I would like to remind all suffering unemployed economists and managers:

And you remember how 10 years ago (when in every university only opened the most prestigious faculties of economics management) your wealthy moms and grandparents stumbled there for bribery or stupidly went to paid training?

And remember how you then walked as if you, future economists, were all born without a rectum, and the rest of the technicians who were engaged all year to the budget place) looked at as the lower caste?

And remember, boasted of purchased exams and diplomas (after the semester / course) when you did not appear at all in the universe.

So here you get, shit, that’s called Justice!! to

And thank you for not getting stuck with normal faculties, maybe because of this I now have a good job.

Another Energy Engineer

The joke:

To fuck no one on an uninhabited island is the law of life.

But no one will fuck you - Foster's Law


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna