— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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An intellectual competition was held in Australia. The winners were two:
Priests and middle-aged workers.
To identify the very first, an additional task was proposed: in 5 minutes to compose a four-step with the word Timbuktu (a deaf town in Africa, Sahara).
The first, by the draw, came the priest:
I was a father all my life.
I had no children, no wife.
I read my Bible through and through
All the way to Timbuktoo.

The audience is delighted, everyone is sure that the robot does not even know such a word where to go.

He goes out calmly, and:

Tim and me to Brisbane went
We met few ladies, cheap to rent.
They were three, we were two.
So I booked one and Tim booked two.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna