— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The king of the beasts, the lion decided to leave for rest and before this to travel around and see his subjects animals all over the planet. In Africa, he met a strawberry running on a savannah. He caught him and asked:
Do you know who I am?
You are the king of the beasts. We all fear, respect and obey you.
Satisfied with the hearings, the lion continued his journey and arrived in India.
I met an elephant in the jungle. He grabbed him for the hood and asked:
Do you recognize me?
You are the king of the beasts. Everyone is respected, respected and obeyed.
Assaulted, the lion arrived in the steppe of Central Asia. I noticed a man running on his business.
Oh stand still.
The Turkish man turned around, looked at him, with an unhappy look threw the Tsar from his feet to his head, nodded and jumped on. The lion, angry, risks following:
to stand! He chased after the thief. After a short hunt, he arrived.
The man asks loudly:
“You, little girl, don’t recognize me?! to
After a minute of looking, I don’t know. Who are you?
How is? Do you not know me? Everyone is afraid of me, everyone respects me.
They swear in front of me!
The man looked at him with an appreciative glance and said:
Is it Nazarbayev?

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