— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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16:54:54) baby_bOOm: Avatar you painted yourself?
(16:54:59) The Cross: Yes
(16:55:07) baby_bOOm: similar to
16:55:20) baby_bOOm: and paint me
(16:55:25) Cross: I can’t
(16:55:36) Cross: My hands are too rough to paint you))
(16:55:51) Cross: I don’t want to offend such a lovely creation :)
16:56:39) baby_bOOm: Do you know how I look happy?
(16:56:48) The cross: how?
(16:59:56) baby_bOOm: I have not broken eyebrows for a month, under my eyes bags, as if I had not slept as much as my eyebrows had not broken, cosmetics zero! The hair is rubbed like a wire on the walls of the prison, one eye is nervously shaken, and on the forehead it is written like a wire: "Help me!"
(17:01:23) The Cross: to hide, my favourite estate!! Stop annoying me so much! :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna