— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A Ukrainian member of the parliament has come to hunt a bear. Jeep - a hammer, camouflage, super-wrapped machine with optical night vision...
Going into the woods, meeting a man in his legs, in the uchanka, in the telogreek - a typical village man.
Man: Oh dear man, where are you going?
On to the bear!
The man: - Yes, this is an ungrateful occupation... the bear is the master! On him my grandfather with the rogatine walked, my father with the rogatine walked...
Deputy: You look at it! Automatic - even if the elephant wave... Optics, bullets with a steel core...
He goes into the forest.
The man:- Yes, now in the forest in general is not worth walking... The bear now not only two rogatins, but also the machine will still be...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna