— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work in an ambulance. I get out of the call, fucked that shit, - only 2 nights, and I have already done two daily norms of trains, - unbarred, I want to sleep. I stood in the car and smoked. There are two dates of Aborigines. One approaches me and asks:
What about the swine flu?
I look him in the eyes and say quietly:
The fucking...
I see, the Aboriginal squeezed and I continue in the same tone:
- We have no time to take out the corpses... The SES people lack an apartment to disinfect... They say soon the Emergency Ministry will be connected... They have some kind of fireworks...
I throw out the bull, sit in the car and leave.
So let’s know who is making the rumors.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna