— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The use of tabular weapons.
In one of the military units located in our town, served a soldier. Nothing seemed to be remarkable, but one day showed himself in all his glory. He got somewhere our hero "grass" and smoked up to pink elephants. Imagine yourself a guy or a rider.
Formula 1, or someone similar, and as a result began to make their fantasies come true. To fulfill his dream, he chose a truck.
“The Urals.” It is not necessary to describe the dimensions and power of this vehicle.
"Ural", blowing up the motor, ran from the spot, broke the gate of the military unit and went to the city. Taking into account the amount of smoked "grass" sodatics did not always fit in the turns, several times crashed the lighthouse pillars and civilian cars, on compliance with the PDD fighters did not think in principle.
Very quickly for the "Ural" connected two cars of GIBDeshnikov and the patrol of the VAI
The Military Auto Inspection. Appeals by persecutors
The "matyugalnikov" to stop and surrender the response of the soldier was not found.
Another minute later, another GIBD and two crews of the DPS joined the "pursuit", and it is also unclear from what scare the car of the wreckers.
(Outside of official security) For the already complete representation in the tail of the column, a car of the service part of the city UVD was installed.
Without success shouting to the soldier in the "matyuhalniki" about immediate stop and surrender, the persecutors to the service of the city administration.
GIBDD about that they are going to shoot on the wheels of the Ural.
No to E! The head of the City of Gibraltar was not enough.
something will happen, a ricochet or something else, catch whom, weapons
Use is prohibited! Try to push the Ural out of the city!
How polite, trying to avoid matts, tried to explain that maybe soon the driver on the "Ural" will come to the mind to stop passengers and ride on the sidewalks, and then the consequences will be very sad. It was also that "displacing" the "Ural" outside the city on the "Jigul" and one rust UAZIK appears to be very problematic. The order has not changed.
At the order already gathered friends to start, but here, to the general surprise,
"Ural" turned out on a deserted highway leading beyond the city. It was decided to wait for what would happen next.
The fact that the "Ural" went outside the city and civilians are not seen nearby, was thrown into service.
“I permit the use of weapons,” the response followed.
And here it began.
According to the participants of the “persecution race”, the cars of the persecutors set up in the line behind the Ural, some even tried to bypass it.
After a couple of shots in the air, the "Ural" was opened shale fire to defeat from all available "stones".
Very soon, given the obvious superiority of the persecutors in firepower,
"Ural" remained without tires, with a shot body and tendon, and stuck in the square. Halved by fear, the soldier jumped out of the car and ran into the forest. The crowd of persecutors, also moving into a pedestrian state and, gambling in the air, rushed into the race.
Military subsequently counted more than a hundred bullet holes on the "Ural".
Sodiak, of course, was quickly caught up and bound up, but morality is not that.
When writing the necessary reports on the use of weapons to stop
"Ural" only one GIBBDeshnik and one employee of the VAI, and the first of them, according to explanations, made one shot in the air and one on the wheels to defeat, the second - one shot in the air and two on the wheels. The rest of the personnel handed over fully loaded and loaded weapons.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna