— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I go to the metro. Two girls are sitting opposite: one sleeps a sweet sleep on the other’s shoulder, and the other reads “Crime and Punishment,” it is visible that she also falls asleep.
And at the interval between the stations of Autozavodskaya and Kolomenskoye, the dealers always come in and offer all kinds of "necessary things".
The man went in, began to show a set where removable things are attached to the pen, such as a blade, a knife and even a blade.
Finally, he gets a small towel and shows up.
The girl with the book comes out of the half-dream, looks at the man with her eyes, and so on the half-car gives out:
I have read, b
He shakes a book and falls into a tree.
No one has listened to XDDDDD.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna