— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A further abassaka happened: Shortly I was wildly late to the academy for culture. And I was in the grinds, and they slipped terribly in the subway. I take the subway short, I see my train standing, but they already announce that the door will be closed now. I briefly calculated everything that I would be able to run. Here I run, I have developed an inhumane speed, a smile to the ears, a wild whistle, a tongue on my shoulder, saliva fly, periodically slide... and here right in front of me comes out some grandmother from the corner, completely unexpectedly, stops and looks at me in horror. I have never seen such fear and horror on my face... Well, I realized that one cock can’t slow down and didn’t even try. And with all this evil nuclear force, I get caught up in this shit. She enters the car, the door closes and she leaves. She hit me so painfully with my bag in the area of my stomach...but it didn’t stop me from dying of laughter. The funniest thing is that this calf got out of the train and was rushing to the exit...and I threw it back.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna