— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We sit on the OBŽ... The displaced at the time of the fourth couple in a row tells how he worked at the tyre factory, how many of his friends died... Bla bla bla... Everyone has already relaxed... Here he unexpectedly exclaims: “Write!” Everyone, of course, grabbed their hands, so as not to listen to any nonsense once. It dictates: “where... where smells... shit... involved... female... shit... Signature: V.A. The goose.” 1 minute to 15 minutes. They recorded everything. I forgot...
The next couple of stories. The gallery. Two are cut in a sea battle... The historian furiously takes a notebook with the demand to show what is written there. Tetrad, of course, one for all objects and entertainment. He roars in the “records”, bragging, in iteric, that he will answer for it. The subsequent presentation of all notebooks with a similar aforism introduces her into a stupid and pre-infarct state.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna