— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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# I have a repair - bathroom, kitchen corridor and sort one large room,
The headphones are broken, you need to interrupt Jack
he boiled the solder, but on the way home the neighbor asked at the same time on his solder the solder to turn
# came home dive into the bathroom (in an hour guys should come with beer), in the bathroom naturally played with a catch
I wipe out, called the neighbor, type ready or not.
I remember what I wanted, a towel wrapped the solder in my hand
# how much all this on the weight to do problematically I sit on the corks right in the middle of this building
The floor is covered with a canvas, everything is fine, a solder, a canyon, headphones not to hold on your head
# oil: guys with beer come in, I get up from the baskets, the towel falls, in the hands of 2 solder....
# S U K Y B L I... slipped around the apartment min 10, kids fucking

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna