— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The case takes place in Toronto.
My friend has a puddle. It’s a big deal, with a passport.
She brought four puppies a couple of months ago: three grey and one black.
The hostess, I don’t know why, named the gray puppies Putin, Medvedev and
Harper (Steve Harper - Prime Minister of Canada), and black, of course, - Obama.
The dogs have grown, it’s time to sell. The owner issued them passports on these names and gave an announcement about the sale.
Comes on the announcement a aunt, 100% Canadian, chooses a puppy, asks, "How is his name?"
The owner is Harper.
The buyer: "But you can't call the dog that way, it's disrespectful to the prime minister!"
“If you don’t like the name, you can change your passport to any other.”
The buyer agreed, the puppy bought.
A couple of days later, the owner calls: "Oh, the puppy is so cute, so playful, so affectionate! Thank you very much!”
“Have you changed his name?”
P is“You know, I just call him Steve.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna