— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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of Chelyabinsk. Well, the weather here, like everywhere, is not ahti. By night it was 32.
Shortly in the morning I drove through the sleeping areas and watched such a picture. We have people with wisdom. To see one such unit thought - it will be cold at night, the car will suddenly not start from the morning. Where would you put it so it’t get so cold? And I put it on the heating plant (from there usually a pair of white balls). But apparently the man is slightly minded. During the night, the entire steam that rolled from the pipe tightly wrapped the car and turned it into one shapeless icebreaker. I haven’t seen anything like this yet: a poor shovel stands in the middle of the street – well, there’s really a bowl of ice, and from below, in small gaps at the wheels, there’s steam. It is beautiful)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna