— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the conditions of the Mongolian winter, the statute orders to do the need in such a place where there is a lot of frost, and from the amenities only a bird hunt. You have to freeze and balance over a terrible gap. In birds, such exercises are somewhat unforced. People are distracted by all kinds of worrying thoughts. Therefore, soldiers and sergeants go to the wind only in the extreme case, with the direct threat of breaking. And by the end of the service develop two interesting skills:
Do everything in 5 seconds.
2 times every 3 days.
We lived in a iron booth on wheels. We were connected at the field station.
The R-410 All human things were not alien to our elders. One night, he raised the crew by alarm, drove it out to the frost, and himself laid a larva on the newspaper. He turned and threw it out of the window in the face of the wind. Then I turned on the ventilation, and it became fresh in the cabin like in the forest. And there are no signs that the senior is not alien to everything human. Everyone came back, fell asleep and thought nothing.
In the morning the storm stopped. The sky became blue like a dome in Smolny. The general came for a check. He built the crew in front of the iron booth and began to tell about his life.
He served twenty-five years.
He saw how in Voronezh the clock was engaged in onanism on the post and so fell asleep. In the position of “standing”, with the farm outside. The deceiver thought
"What an ugliness" and slapped a sleeping comrade on a sleeping member with a soldier belt. Clock from pain and misunderstanding began to shoot, no one hit, but for the division it was a disgrace.
The general saw how in Yakutia the praporcher put vodka on the frost, the vodka was made a piece of ice, and the praporcher used it as a snack to ordinary, liquid vodka. Soon, huge green cockroaches began to come to this stranger right into the guard. It was a disgrace for the division.
Once again, in Angola, a babouin stole food from another praporcher, and this praporcher caught the babouin on a tree and took everything back. It was a shame to mock the natives.
But! Never before has a general seen such a terrible scourge, that people have stumbled at the walls of combat machinery at a height of three meters from the ground!
Turn around, comrades, and see what is happening on board.
The car! He said with an opera voice.
And there everything thrown in the window by the senior blasted back by the wind. The crystal coil froze to the iron booth. And from the newspaper “Red Star” it was clear that it was not a bird.
A whole day later, the chief man crushed his inner world, freezing to death to the booth. A crystal bell floated far above Mongolia.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna