— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Where do the gossip come from?

The real story.
One Saturday, an unplanned mother-in-law arrived at me in a rather excited state. The conversation began with a strange interrogation: who yesterday took Innu from the kindergarten (my daughter, 2.5 years of age), at what time and with what transport they went home. Given the fact that we lived alone for a long time and she was never interested in such little things, I was very surprised, but answered all the questions in detail. When I found out my daughter was taking
Sasha (my husband and her son), and now he is at work, the aunt decided to wait for him. Interested by what happened, I began to find out what had happened.
The mother-in-law under my pressure told me this story. Yesterday she worked in a second shift. An employee comes to her work and reports:

I was on a train with your son. The tram was crowded, I went through the rear floor, and he - through the front with his daughter, the child in the tram I did not see, but the whole tram said -
“Why are you carrying a naked child?He replied, “I have all my clothes in my pocket.”

It was January, on street -20, in the tram about the same amount. All the data on the time of the trip and the number of the tram coincided, it was impossible not to believe the story. You can only guess that there was a suspicious husband waiting at home. When we hit him with a duet, the poor Sasha could not understand why he was being mocked. He saw the employee of his mother, but did not dress the child. After a stormy clarification of the relationship, everyone remained with their opinion.

We ate in silence. We sat down and watched TV. The girl in the same room is playing with a doll. and silence. Suddenly, the husband begins to sneeze for no apparent reason. I don't know how the mother-in-law, but I started looking at the phone. After yesterday’s events, this laughter provoked the desire to call a known number. Sasha laughed and said:

Everything said is correct. But the proverb worked, “I heard the bell, but I did not understand where it came from.” I went with Inna in a crowded tram. The woman in the front seat took the baby on her arms and decided to talk to her. Inna had a nail doll in her hands. This woman asked about the doll, “Why is your child naked?” Inna was stuck and silent, and I replied that all my clothes were in my pocket.

We all laughed for a long time. After this story, if someone tries to convince us that they have seen with their own eyes or heard with their own ears something incredible, we recall a naked child in a January tram.

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