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About the abbreviations.
There was in Leningrad (hopefully there is also in St. Petersburg) the NIHMT, which was engaged in the study of the effects of radiation on the body. It became interesting where the name came from, the employees educated.
There was at first a branch No. 6 of the Institute of Biophysics, but the times of nuclear submarines came, and they decided to create an independent research institute on its basis for medical support of personnel. And call it the NII subsistence of submarine devices. The name seemed to correctly reflect the specifics of the work, but here is the abbreviation, hm..., pumped - NIJOPA.
I had to invent another name.
It is said that a similar story occurred in the 1950s with the institution with the hard-to-pronounce name NIIUIF, i.e. NII fertilizers, insecticides and fungicides. I think this is for the beasts, still not known by most of the population, even with higher education, and especially in those times.
Therefore, in the original version, it was the NIH of chemical fertilizers and poisonous chemicals. According to rumors, they even made a board with the name and abbreviation - NIHUYA.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna