— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the 2nd round of the super tournament of the 19th category London Chess Classic, Russian Vladimir Kramnik defeated Chinese Ni Hua.

It is logical that the Chinese Ni Hua did not win.
During the training match France-China was played Ni Hua-Seba party.

There was a master in Moscow. When playing with the masters Deev or Donchenko, in the headlines of the parties was written: Prescription-Deev, Prescription-Donchenko.

Young grandmaster from Bryansk Jan Nepomniacy took part in the team championship of Russia in Sochi. There was no Hua. Participants were looking forward to a personal meeting of Ni Hua with the Unremembered, and no matter who in what color.

Abyss, chess grandmasters are reading you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna