— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:
to this:

Leska, I know that you’re sick now and you don’t want to see anyone, that you’ve turned off the phone and don’t approach the door. But you must know that you have me and a few others who love you anyway. Everything in your life will be fine, just believe it. You are only 22 today and you have a whole life ahead of you. So let today be the first day you start living again, let it be your real birthday. Believe in yourself and live, no matter what. Happy Birthday family.

People, bring to the best please, the girl reads regularly only this resource, this is my last hope to reach her.

With the smell of you, the forest!!! to

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Congratulations to you! It will be a goo ;)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna