— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About Morse

We have a fountain, it is at the river itself, from the pipes to the edge of the water six meters probably. And right next to it, thirty meters above the river - a swimming pool. How about a bath? The pot is just the smallest, deepest place. The river itself
You can swim. And the bridge is so small, from it they fish, then they wash their clothes, then the boys dive. In winter, the river does not freeze. There are a lot of keys down there because, even in the summer, because of this, the water is ice. Few people swim, but beer cool the same. And ducks all year round.

There are also two local marshes. Husband with wife. People are already old, I think even pensioners. Every night, under the cover of darkness, so that no one should be embarrassed (or embarrassed by themselves), they will come, close to the bridge, dress quietly, swim a little, get out and whistle. from pleasure. They chew, dress up, and leave. They generally behave very quietly. Because there are always people on the fountain.

Well, the locals, and those who are constantly, all know them for a long time and are not surprised, are accustomed. But there are those who are either new or accidental. And now, in these very fierce frosts, people on the well of no one, the time is probably eleven hours, and two taxi drivers, along the way, decided to break up with a key water. And they are pouring these balloons, healthy, which are stuck in the refrigerator. One poured, takes a balloon, and plunges himself out of the cold. Well, what, the warm cars just jumped out lightly, and the temperature is - the ears crumble before the river did not descend. Well, he dances this way with this vessel, waiting for a friend, and says like in the middle of the matter, “Fuck! It is cold, right? When the frosts are over!”

There is a voice behind him.
“And do not say! This is really! You don’t have to swim!”

And here this man with the balloon slowly turns, and sees that in the river, right in front of him, in the middle of the hip stands a naked lady, and shakes his shoulders so that the water does not have time to freeze on his shoulders, and shakes. He cries and looks at him. A pair of her!
And in general, there is a lot of pair there, like in the bath, because the frost, and from the open water to the frost always steam. And this pair adds even more to the situation.
And he is a man, a bitch! The balloon broke out. of confusion. At the foot of his colleague. He stood next to me with his mouth open.

But my colleague didn’t say anything about it. It may not have been time, but probably simply because at this moment behind the lady from the water appeared the head, and then, blowing off, appeared the rest of the body, this time a man.
This man wiped his face with his palm, looked at the shore, slapped the lady slightly... well, understandably, and said:
“Let’s go now! What has suffered? Have you ever seen men dressed?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna