— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My wife sent me to the store. The list is very large, because Waiting for guests. I stand, buy (and buy, it turns out, a lot), and behind me there are two girls. They are whispering about something. While the saleswoman was running for another product for me, I listened to the girl’s conversation.
This is a crazy guy! He has already bought half a store. I have to go to another store.
I go home with five packages, the good is near. At home, I forgot to buy something. I went to the store, but decided to go to another this time. The seller dictates the list. I turn around and there are the same girls. They were very surprised, especially when they saw another bunch of goods I bought. And one says: "He is again! Go to another store!"
I barely got home from laughter.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna