— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A story about the courage of the director of the school in the 60s... This story is not mine, but is told by the director of the school about the work of the 80s. About how he decided to teach his high school students to smoke. He took the girls from the college, gave them a wattman, allowed them to work as much as necessary in his office, the cleaners warned them not to chase the girls. And he set them this task: "This must be such a drawing - that all the drawings should be drawn! Let us immediately understand what we are fighting for. So that no one would raise his hand more than a cigarette at the school to smoke!"
In the morning, the school guard builds in the vestibule for the ambulance. And at this time the director goes to work, the speech thinks, the cage for cigarette packs is still in the middle of the hall from the evening.
He meets him at the threshold, a confused donelza.
Nikolai Filipovich is there.
The director resolutely enters the school... And there a poster is painted on the whole wall. This is all the poster! The girls, working in the director's office, took a photo from his album, where he was imprinted with a cigarette in the hand and painted all the height.
The director in complete silence, stood, thought, coughed... He went into the urn, got a new package, stumbled and threw it out.
Anyone who has a conscience should do the same.
He went quietly into his office. The effect of the exploding bomb was provided to the whole school. Should I say that it worked...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna