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About Hooligans and Calculator

In the warm state, I live with a friend, a woman of old age. Once a long time ago, when she was not even old, but young years, they got an apartment here in a new building. The districtman was the one, Troparevo, straight from the subway went through the park, through the woods. There were no criminal records at the time, but they were completely replaced by rumors about bandits, hooligans, bodies found in the forest park zone, robbed, raped and tortured victims, and other horrors.

Scary and shorter. She adjusted not to walk alone. There will be a man who inspires confidence from the outside, who is on the way, and slowly after him a chop-chop-chop. It is not so scary.

And here one day they go, a man of some sort with a wallet just in front, she sits behind with a bag so as not to fall behind, and here I meet four. It looks like nothing frozen. And they stop the man, and begin to harass him there somehow traditionally. Type a how long, and do you not have to smoke, and you hole in the hat at all.

She has nowhere to go, to turn late, and she hides her breath by the edge of this sculptural group, all the time waiting for a scream or other unpleasant development of events. However, the hooligans, taking her look, said nothing and continued the cultural conversation with the man with the portfolio.
When she realized that the danger had passed and remained behind, fear passed in her, and the female curiosity and compassion for the man, on the contrary, awakened. She stopped behind the tree and began to observe from a distance. In this case, he can run away and call for help. It was she who thought so.

The events between them developed quite traditionally. Whether the time the hooligans did not like, whether the cigarettes were not the same, but a fight began. Or maybe not even a fight, but just a beat. In short, the man was dropped and began to pin his legs. And here my acquaintance, Love, by the way, is called, instead of rushing for help, shouting “AAAAAA!!!” And with his bag, he jumped out of the tree, rushed to this sculptural group, and began to mindlessly stumble the hooligan with this bag.

Lucy, a fragile little lady, has worked as a quiet accountant all her life.
And at that moment she was just preparing a report, and took a little homework. Responsible because very much. And in her bag she had just that report and a mechanical calculator of the Soviet times called Phoenix or Felix, I don’t know.

In fact, this calculator saved them. To counteract the Soviet calculator in the hands of the simple Soviet accountant to the hooligans was simply nothing! Having got a couple of times where it hit a heavy mechanism, they embarrassedly and in horror retreated.

Lubanya and the man brought themselves in order, defended minor bodily injuries, and went home. Always agreed on the road to come back together. Word for word, we got married. Both of them are still in retirement.

Yes, and the calculator was very strong and did not hurt. If you have worried about it.

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