— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The house is Russian!! to

From the practice of the famous therapist of the beginning of the twentieth century Matthew Mudrov.

The case was in the early 20th century, when some merchants had shops in the Moscow Kremlin. A merchant appealed to Mudrov with complaints of severe headaches. The case was winter. After the inspection, the Wise man asked him: “With which gate do you go to the store?” "So, from this day on you will be driving through Borovich".
Since then, the buyer has had a headache. When Mudrov was then asked, what was the suggestion, or did his authority do so? He explained everything very simply. At that time there was an icon at the gate. Walking through the winter open spring, the merchant each time, before crossing the icon, removed his hat. There were no icons at the Borovich Gate. Apparently, the headaches of this merchant were associated with a disease of the muscles of the hair roots. There was a severe pain in the cold."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna