— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was in the thousand nine hundred year. I was encouraged to participate in the transportation of household treasures on the occasion of the move of people from Neftykamsk to Octoberskiy (Bashkiria). The car was half killed by the IFA self-driving!
Loaded it was decent, but since it was diesel - it was quite tolerant - 50-60 kilometers per hour. In the middle of our route, a valve in one cylinder was torn in the engine (!). We removed the engine (not going back! Yes, and the apartment was already occupied, so there was nowhere to retreat), the debris of the valve was removed. We picked up the engine and went on. The engine knocked like death, and smoked a lot. The speed has greatly decreased, under the hill 40kmh, in the hill - 10kmh. But we still arrived, unloaded and watched at night and planned to go back to Naftokamsk. The car was still in poor condition, the brakes were pneumatic, the compressor was worn, the brake was not achti. And here you can see the solar through the non-working cylinder got into the oil, then through the compressor into the airway (this we learned later), and the air pressure dropped completely. But since we were driving 30-40 kmh, it didn’t bother us much.
Here it should be noted that from the gas pedal to the direction of the TNVD pump at the IFI there is a steel traction, which is twisted in the middle on the rod to regulate the empty movement. And then suddenly, this pull broke up, and the TNVD moved to the position of maximum gas. Unable to get out of the cabin. And the engine does not shut down - diesel (constructively - is only silent on the
xx ) And we are driving, gaining speed very quickly. The brakes do not stop. The engine grimps like a ragged hammer and, look, it just explodes under us (it stands between the cabin seats there). And the smoke from the hollow rolls up at the tank that installs the smoke curtain. It is :)
You press the clutch - the engine is going to really explode, you let the clutch the car fly low above the road about 80-110 km / h. We didn’t even know that there were so many horses under the hood!
So we drove, the road was empty at night. Even, sorry, the census was done by opening the door of the cabin on the go. :))))) We were all waiting for a steep rise to slow the car as much as possible at the descent, and at the rise to roll the fifth gear and stifle the engine. And such an opportunity presented. There was a long descent, at the bottom of the crossroads and the post of GAI, and then a sharp rise. Here is an epic picture. At three o’clock in the night, the dawn had already arrived. We fly on a hellish carriage on the second transmission with a terrible roar and thunder, and smoke as in a beaten messershmit, we pass the post of GAI, thank God the crossroads were empty, the haishniks jumped out, but even the sticks were afraid to see. At the lift, the driver turned the fifth gear and manipulating the grip began to stifle the engine and drop the speed. Meanwhile, as the car slowed more or less, I jumped out of the cabin, climbed onto the body and closed the air filter's entrance hole with shells from the passport.
And the engine got stuck.
And the haishniki stood and looked at us for a long time, but they did not go to us, although we left only 150 meters away.

A lot of bookies. But it is true.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna