— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The audience dropped out of the theatre after the premiere. At this time, a late television group arrives. A young journalist with a microphone nervously screams around the crowd with a glance: who would take a flash interview. The former operator suggests: take, who will have - what we need to leave, what we do not need to cut. Here, right on her, a roasted middle-aged hairdresser, who is madly delighted with the fact that the television camera lens looks in her direction.
The journalist sweeps a microphone under her nose, which this grandmother was trying to, and asks, "What did you get from attending the show?" Meanwhile, she is not alone, next to her, probably a husband, in the appearance of a worker, whom his wife pulled out to this theater, and to him this event is entirely to the fancy. But since the man is noticeably subdued, he patiently bears it all and during the interview cries and looks somewhere to the side. And then the journalist swings and the microphone under his nose: “What did you take out?” – “I? A man is surprised. “Where from?”
“From the theater,” somewhat confusedly presses the girl’s shoulders. “He did not endure anything. There is bigger. On the contrary, I brought it. It is taught...”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna