— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A real story from the life of the glorious Rusbat-2, who for some time carried out peace in the bloody city of Sarajevo. Besides us there was
Four French battalions, one Ukrainian and one Egyptian b-on. The headquarters were made up of the French. Now the story itself. Our soldier was forced to catch Tripper. He was treated in a French hospital. One day we sit with our doctor and drink wine. A translator comes and brings a fax from the headquarters of the sector, where the French are interested in whether the Russian battalion needs condoms. The doctor says to the translator: Send, say, need. 20 minutes later, a translator is announced with a new fax, in which the French are interested in how many condoms a Russian battalion needs. Here the doctor chested the tail, but quickly made a decision and gave the order: Write 5 packs. After 10 minutes, an orderly translator appeals and brings another fax: Is the Russian doctor sure that he needs exactly that number of condoms? Here our doctor suffered: “They were there, they wept, I don’t know how many Gandons I need for the battalion, and to the translator: Write, I confirm –
and 5 packages. And now imagine our surprise, when, the day after 3, a French truck came up and unloaded right into the yard 5 packages, each size of 1.2 to 1.2 per 1 meter. How many of them were there, you can only guess if in a box the size of a book - 350pcs. I had to see the face of the Combat.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna