— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ]
Women as a Web Server
400 Wadd Requests – a date without a bouquet.
401 Unwritten - Married
402 Raumeent Required - Dinner with candles.
403 - I don't want to know you anymore!
404 Not Found - Today I'm walking with my friends.
405 Method Not Allowed - No, only not from the back.
406 Method Not Assertable - I hate oral sex!
407 Rrohu Auth. Required – I have to ask my mom.
408 Request Timeout - Do you know how many times have you called me?
409 Sonfliest - what kind of blonde was you with yesterday?
410 Doomed Remote - I want a divorce!
411 LENGHT RECHIRED - and THAT is what you call long?
412 Rresondition Fаilеd - What? Do you have a condom?
413 Request Entitut Too Large - Oh, he's SO big!
415 Unsurrorted Media Tour - no-e-e, four is not interesting.
500 Internal Server Error - critical days.
501 Not Imrlemented - hmm, so I have never tried.
503 Servis Unavillablé - I'm sorry, something is breaking my head.
504 Gatewau Timеоut – how, and that’s all!!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna