— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Boss is Funny
I know :?
Muxa: I came up with how storage workers learn to sleep at work. Arrive after lunch at the warehouse. See - Kolya shakes in the household on 3 chairs, took a tape to attach boxes to the paddle, locks. He set fire to the chairs. Until the machine pulled, he didn’t even wake up.
See also: Fig! O_O
This is not all!! He forced other warehouses to pull out the body with the chairs onto the loading platform. And there are customers, drivers, employees of the office... 😉
So what about Coke?
Muxa: Kola matured, then cried.) and the rest of the warehouses roasted. Now these fucks sleep on the shelves in empty boxes and you will find them.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna